Application Season.

Applying to anything can be intimidating. I gag at the thought of remaking my resume, let alone compiling images by file type for different creative opportunities. This is a workflow, a introductory system, and an effort to make this a collective effort. I don’t remember receiving an up to date formal training on how to apply to things well at Uni, so I hope this is a helpful tool both to students and educators.

Please message me with any suggestions, or documents you’d like to share. I’d love for this to be helpful across disciplines and to create a peer review space for applications.


Collect all documentation of your work, and document the ones you haven’t. This includes walk throughs of installation, performance videos, any writing, and viewer engagement.


File Types.

Categorize your documentation. I prefer by ‘year made’, but some like to go by titles or medium. Include multiple file types for each piece, hi res and a low res smaller version.



Collect your artist bios (a short version and a larger version), a resume, CV, and writing examples if necessary.



My organization currently lives in 3 places: Google Photos, Google Drive, and an external hard drive.

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Group & file accordingly.

Organize your conventional application files, like your CV etc. I keep all my living docs of resumes, cvs, cover letters, etc on google drive, because you’ll most likely curate them specifically for the application. Do what feels right. I keep my phone documentation in google photos, google drive holds my word files so I can easily edit them, export in the format required, and keep multiple versions or languages, and the external drive holds hi res files.

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Collect opportunity hubs.

Make a list of all the places you know that post opportunities with frequency. Hoard these opportunity hubs and create a system to make sure you sift through these places monthly, if not seasonally. Look for spaces that offer open calls, grants, residencies etc. Collect opportunities that honor your work, self worth, and intentions. Be selective, and maintain focus on your goals, and ask your self if that opportunity would really further those goals.

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Put findings on a timeline.

Once you’ve gathered that seasons opportunities, place them on a timeline to help you manage your energy and prioritize tasks. Don’t get overwhelmed by the list, but be inspired by all the options, if you don’t apply to any this exercise still gets you closer to achieving it next time. Shots on goal, increase your chances of scoring!

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Break down by month.

After sifting through the opportunity hubs, collecting all your gems, and organizing them onto a timeline, you’ll start breaking down each each month. Pick a location for them to live, like a google drive, and make a folder for each month. Inside each month place the applications accordingly, maybe place symbols or colors to remind you which ones are your favorite. The applications can be in a folder or just a doc file, any container that can hold the necessary info. Your attention is finite, if you don’t feel amped about the opportunity, let it go.

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Break down the requirements.

Make sure to have the app’s due date in the title of your preferred containers for each application in your monthly folders. Then breakdown each application, and make it a comfortable process for you. Create a ritual around it, if you need to translate doc into a Dif language do that. I’m currently using folders, in the application’s folder, I’ll list out what that application is requiring and I’ll save the application as a pdf so I can reflect back on it if I want to in the future.

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An Application Ritual.

Applying to anything is like confessing your love to someone, its vulnerable and you doubt yourself, and you might even try to self sabotage. Creating a ritual of comfort and a language of excitement can ease the tension. I try to ignite all my senses with things that make me feel safe, grounded, and supported. Listen to your body, it might need extra hand holding depending on where your self-esteem is at in regards to your work. And there’s nothing wrong with that, provide the body what it needs, that it might’ve been deprived of in the past. Positive Affirmations and kindness can go a long way. A stockpile of references for things that can motivate you is important, just like maintaining material that inspires your creative practice. This stockpile can take the shape of a folder with ted talks, music, or quotes that support you in moving forwards.


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